*New* Flax FAQ -A's to All Your Flaxseed Q's!

by Ellie Theobald
Have you ever wondered what flax is, how to eat flax, if pets can eat flax, when flax is rancid...
or any other question?
Has anyone asked you questions about flax seed that you were unsure of?
Check out this excellent new resource... Flax Information - Flax FAQ.
Here is an idea of the questions and answers you will find:
Q. I am Vegetarian. I Heard I Should be Eating Flax, Why?
A. This is an important question because many vegetarians aren't getting enough protein in their diets.
An excellent way to add more plant based protein to your diet is by eating 2-4 Tablespoons of Golden Flax seed every day.
Flaxseed is a great source of essential fatty acids, protein, phytochemical lignans, vitamins, potassium and other minerals.
Another Q:
Q. I use Flax Oil. Should I also Eat Flaxseed?
A. Yes, ideally you should.
Flax seed has so many more benefits than just flax oil. When you only have flax oil, you are missing the protein, vitamins, minerals, flax lignans, and the flax fibers (most of us aren’t eating enough fiber).
I use both... I like to use flax oil -ie, on salads, etc. We recommend eating 2-4 Tablespoons per day of ground flaxseed and add flax oil to your foods to your desire.
Sometimes people only use flax oil due to health reasons -If this is your situation, then as always, work with your doctor for what is right for you.
Always be sure you buy high quality flax oil that is cold pressed -otherwise it may be rancid due to being exposed to heat.
Q. Is Flax Beneficial for My Pet?
A: Absolutely! Flax is great for dogs, cats, parrots, horses + all pets!
In much the same way that so much of our processed and cooked foods are lacking in beneficial Omega 3 oil and fiber... our pets are also needing more Omega 3!
The pet foods have been stripped of Omega 3 for storage purposes. Read more about Flaxseed Omega 3 for pets.
Try sprinkling it on their food -see guidelines for how much flax omega 3 for pets here. It will help your pet's coat be shinier and thicker as well as keeping them healthier!
Let us know what you think of our new FAQ page! Any questions that should be there?
Thank you in advance for your input!