In This Newsletter  

  • Spring Savings
  • Monthy Flax Recipe
  • 5 Flax Health Benefits -Part 2

Got Flax

~Ellie's Corner~
flaxseed, ellies whole grians,   How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank

During this time of such turmoil in Japan, we are all affected in some way by the terrible devastation that has happened to this Earth. My prayer is that today on St Patricks day, that we will be reminded of what matters most in life and join together to be more gentle and kind to ourselves and to others around us and to make a difference in the ways that we can! Life is so fragile., ellies whole grains, 4 month old rescue in Japan

One of the stories that has impacted me is the miraculous rescue of the 4 month old Japanese baby. In spite of so much devastation and death, a little baby somehow survived.  What a miracle!

As we support each other through whatever may come in life, continue to pursue Health by eating healthy and by getting out to enjoy the Spring that is slowly piercing through the cold!

Thank you for your support!

Blessings on you!

~Spring Savings!~

Flax has incredible health benefits for impressive value!
10% off your order of $25 or more
 When ordering, use Code: MELTING

Eat Healthy, Live Healthy, Save Money and feel better!

If you have any questions about our Secure Online Ordering, just email or call me.

Coupons are good until April 31, 2011.

~Come to a Farmer's Markets or Another Show...~

Farmers Markets + Other Shows:

flax recipes
~Homemade Cinnamon Rolls~
Homemade Cinnamon Rolls
~Click here for Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe~

Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe from scratch are quite easy to make and the flavor is so much richer! This homemade cinnamon buns recipe is delicious! Easy cinnamon buns...

To Make the Dough:
Mix together:
2 cups lukewarm water
1-2 Tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon salt
3 Tablespoons butter
Add to the mixture:
2 eggs

Then slowly add, while still mixing:
3/4 cup Flakes o' Gold or ground whole Flaxseed
1 cup of flour at a time until the goal of 3 1/2 cups.

Cinnamon Roll Insides -aka Filling:
1 packed cup brown sugar
1-1/2 sticks of butter
Cinnamon to Sprinkle

1. Roll out dough
2. Spread the butter over all the dough.
3. Sprinkle the brown sugar over the butter.
4. Sprinkle the cinnamon over the sugar -
5. Roll the dough up
6. Slice the dough into cinnamon rolls
7. Place them in your favorite pan to let them rise.

Preheat oven to 325°F.
Click here for the rest of the Homemade Cinnamon Rolls Recipe

Click here for the best Flaxseed for Homemade Cinnamon Rolls

~Here's More Information~

Last 5 of 10 Powerful Flax Health Benefits:

(part 2 -Flax Benefits)
  • 6. Flax helps Prevent Cancer - Excellent research has shown that flaxseed and lignans can help fight breast cancer and prostate cancer.  Lignans help to protect and heal the body. After Skin Cancer, Prostate Cancer is the most common cancer in mean and Breast Cancer is the most common cancer for women. 
  • 7. Flax helps relieve + eliminate Hot Flashes -Flax can relieve hot flashes, night sweats and promote vaginal moisture, without side effects of HRT. Many women have been able to decrease and/or completely get rid of Hot Flashes!
    Flax benefits,flaxseed benefits,benefits of flax,benefits of flaxseed
  • 8. Flax can help the Digestive System -Flax soluble and insoluble fiber gently moves waste and toxins out of the body while preventing constipation. Flax mucilage fiber has heals and soothes bowel irritation and inflammation from IBS, CROHN’S DISEASE, DIVERTICULOSIS and DIVERTICULITIS.
  • 9. Flax helps with Healthy Skin -Flax Omega 3 helps decrease and heal ACNE, PSORIASIS, ECZEMA, and DRY SKIN.
  • 10. Flax helps to boost the Immune System -Flax Lignans can help the body heal itself. Omega 3 in flaxseed has many healing properties as well. When you give your body the nutrition it needs, your body is better able to heal itself.

Read more on flax benefits.


Check out some of the new information I have added to

Flaxseed for Eczema
Flax seed has also significantly improved my eczema. Since my son was born 11 years ago I have had problems with eczema. It was so bad that I would itch until I bled. It would travel across my body, showing up on my legs, arms and stomach in large patches.

Since I started taking the flax seeds, my eczema has cleared up to the point where I only see an occasional small bump on my arm or leg that itches slightly but goes away quickly. I would recommend taking flax seeds to may be surprised by benefits you will receive! ~Michelle J  Read more of Michelle's Story.

~Read other Flax seed Reviews + Flax seed Testimonials~

Flaxseed and Dogs?    I've just been reading on another dog health website that Flax is not a good way of getting Omega 3 for dogs, as they lack the ability to convert Flax into ALA to EPA and DHA.    It said that instead, it was better to give them fish oils.  Do you know if there's any truth to this please?     
****** Hi Sally, This is an excellent question and one that is debated quite a bit. We actually get this question for both pets and humans!  A lot of the information that claims flax Omega 3 oil isn't beneficial comes from research that was funded by... guess who? Fish oil companies...
~Read the rest of the answer to
Flaxseed and Dogs

~Read other Q&As or ask your own~


Need NEW Ideas of HOW to EAT FLAX? Click Here for some Great Tips + Ideas of how to eat flax 
Did you know that if you don't have a bowel movement every day your body reabsorbs cholesterol? Click here to find out more about the importance of fiber 

THANK YOU for reading this newsletter!

We journey together with the goal of
Healthy Eating and Living.
Have a Flax-A-LiciouS Day!


To Read Newsletters from the past, Click here: Grain News, Flax News.

P. S. Now is a great time to save on your Food Budget and add Healthy Whole Grains ~Flax + Barley~ to your diet! We have Great Savings for You and Your healthy eating Goals!
-The coupons above are SPECIAL for You, my newsletter subscribers! ~Good thru April 30, 2011.

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