The Grain ~ Spring 2010
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~Ellie's Corner~
Happy Spring (& Happy belated St Patrick's Day!) This means Spring is really on the way, right?! I am so happy to have warmer weather on the way! I did have the wonderful opportunity to visit one of my sisters in Arizona. She has been fighting cancer, so it was fabulous time with her. It reminds me how valuable our health is. Don't take it for granted! It's worth the time and energy to eat and live healthy. Every day that we have with our health and surrounded by those we love, is priceless!
Our local paper has an article about us this month! Check it out:
Ellie’s Golden Flax Seed: Get back to the farm and stay out of the pharmacy -Lillie News ~I lay out the benefits and importance of knowing where your food comes from, and if people want to try it, they will reap the benefits... Read more about the benefits you can experience with flax.
Blessings on you! Happy Spring to each of you!
~Spring Savings!~
Be Kind to your budget while maintaining your Healthy Eating Goals! Get 15% off a purchase of $30 or more! When ordering, Enter in code: SPRING
~ or ~
Get 20% off a purchase of $75 or more! When ordering, use Code: NEWS Eat Healthy, Live Healthy, Save Money and feel better!
Don't forget your pet! :) Flax is a perfect way to add Omega 3 back into their diet! Click Here to learn more about Flaxseed essential Omega 3 for Pet Health!
If you have any questions about online ordering just email or call me! :)
~Come to a Farmer's Markets or Another Show...~
Upcoming Shows
You can call + email me in addition to finding me here at
Here are my upcoming shows:
- St. Michael-Albertville Women of Today
Spring Craft Show ~Sat, Mar 20, 2010 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. STMA Middle School West 11343 50th Street NE; Albertville MN 55301 More info (Opens new window)
- The New Ulm 30th Annual Home & Self-Improvement Show in New Ulm on March 26 - 28, 2010 ~Sat 10am-7pm + Sun 10am-5pm~ More info (new window) A free show, held at the Civic Center, 12th North & Franklin Streets
- Plymouth Yard and Garden Expo STMA Spring Craft Show ~Fri., April 9, 6 - 9 p.m., and Sat., April 10, 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. Plymouth Creek Center, 14800 34th Ave. N. More info (new window)
 ~Fruit and Flax Smoothie Breakfast Drink~
~Here's More Information~

Have you heard about Cold Milled Flax? What's the big deal? Well, it could mean the difference in getting important nutrients or not. Here is why Cold Milled Flax is important.
What is Flax Mucilage? ~Flax seed Mucilage is thick, gelatinous substance that swells as it absorbs water. It has medicinal properties important for protecting + healing the colon. Read more about how flax mucilage can help heal the colon here.
THANK YOU for reading this newsletter! This is a journey as we learn more about Healthy Eating and Living. I appreciate you. Have a Flax-A-LiciouS Day! ~and Happy Spring! :) ~
P. S. Now is a great time to save on your Food Budget and add Healthy Whole Grains ~Flax + Barley~ to your diet! We have Great Savings for You and Your healthy eating Goals! P. S. S. If you're receiving this newsletter because a friend forwarded it to you, Sign up to get the monthly newsletter: The Grain emailed to you by entering your email address in the Subscription Box at or reply to this email. (We use your email ONLY for the newsletter!) We'd love to hear from you :)